w1.0.0.2 | c0.0.0.4
PROD | u7.5.14
Header Image oligo


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The Multifunctional Oligo Calculator

The one-stop solution for quick and easy oligo analysis

Our multifunctional oligo property analysis tool (MOPS) is an oligo calculator inclusive a dilution calculator, a TM calculator and much more!

MOPS allows you to analyse and calculate any physical property of your DNA or RNA oligo sequence:

  • Physical property check incl. TM calculator
    Determines all physical properties such as GC content, melting temperature (Tm), molecular weight (MW), extinction coefficient (EC) and complement sequences
  • Secondary structures
    Predict the secondary structure pf DNA and RNA oligos using a mfold and RNAfold program. Mfold is an adaptation of the mfold package by Zuker and Jaeger which was modified to work with the Wisconsin Package.
  • BLASTn analysis
    Aligns your sequence against human, mouse and rat Refseq database entries and provides a comprehensive BLASTn report.
  • Dimer formation & PCR viability check
    Tests your oligo against itself or another oligo for dimer formation and performs a PCR viability check for a primer pair
  • OD calculator
    Calculates the optical density (OD), mass, amount and molecular weight (MW) of your oligo for specific experimental conditions. The appropriate oligo synthesis scale can also be decipered.
  • Dilution calculator
    Determines how much volume is needed to dilute a highly concentraged oligo stock solution to a specific lower concentration. This application also supports different units for concentration and volume.

All these analyses can be done with a single free online tool that includes a direct link to the respective oligo order menu.