w1.0.0.2 | c0.0.0.4
PROD | u7.5.14
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MGB Probes

Short probes that incorporate a minor groove binder (MGB); to be used in 5’ nuclease (TaqMan - MGB) technology for human IVD applications.

MGB Eclipse® probes are manufactured, which allows you to:

  • Transition from research to clinical diagnostics while maintaining robust assay performance
  • Begin your testing sooner with faster, more reliable delivery

We have combined our proven oligo manufacturing expertise and ISO 9001:2015, GLP & GMP certified production processes to deliver MGB Eclipse Probes. These probe are ideal for genotyping qPCR assays. Our range of fluorophore options (FAM, HEX, CY5, and Yakima Yellow® (EliTech Group) allows you to ensure compatibility with your instrument and more easily design multiplex assays.


Eurofins Genomics MGB Probes incorporate a 5’ fluorescent dye and the 3’ Eclipse quencher (EQ) attached to the minor groove binder (MGB) molecule.

Select your required dye-quencher combination:

5' Reporter Abs [nm] Em [nm] 3' Quencher
FAM [FAM] 495 520 MGB-Eclipse [MGBEQ]
Yakima Yellow [YAKYE] 530 549 MGB-Eclipse [MGBEQ]
HEX [HEX] 535 556 MGB-Eclipse [MGBEQ]
CY5-MGB (GE) 649 670 MGB-Eclipse [MGBEQ]

Product specifications:


  • Delivered quantity: 5, 20 and 40 nmol
  • Probe lengths: 13 - 30 bases
  • HPLC purified by default
  • TAT: 2 weeks
  • 100% Mass verification by MALDI-TOF
  • Delivery format: lyophilized