w1.0.0.2 | c0.0.0.4
PROD | u7.5.14

Custom DNA Oligos in Plates

  Intro & Info

Select from different purification options, various synthesis scales anddelivery formats.
  • Purification options: Salt Free, HPSF, HPLC
  • Synthesis scales from 0.01 to 0.2 µmol
  • Sequence length from 5 - 120 bases

First, select your order entry method below. Use our Excel template for uploading your oligos in plates. Up to 12 plates can be uploaded at a time.

Modifications can be entered directly in the sequence. Sequence info:
ACGT = DNA; A*C*G* = PTO ; I = 2’-Desoxyinosine; U = 2’-Desoxyuridine
More options, valid for all plates, are found in the next step, including synthesis scale, delivery format and plate type. You can add a personal note to each plate and rename your plates. After validation you get an overview for each plate. Please specify in the order comment if you need a different plate type for your plate copies.

Check each single plate and finally confirm by pressing "Add to Cart".

Important for mixed plates:
  • Use the same plate names for the forward and reverse primers (e.g. Plate1_ for, Plate1_ rev)
  • Use for both plates the same primer names accompanied by the suffix “.for” or “.f” and “.rev” or ”.r”
  • Select the concentration for the mother plate of the forward primers and reverse primers
  • State in the production comment the final concentration and volume of the primer mix

Entry Formats

XLS Icon Download our Excel template for uploading your Plate Oligos.
Allowed file formats are xls, xlsx and csv. The file needs three columns named well, oligo name and sequence without a special format.
One plate per sheet can be defined. Up to 12 plates can be uploaded at a time.
Define your plate oligos by using our Excel template above. The name of each plate can already be specified in the worksheet. Upload your file and press "Next".