w1.0.0.2 | c0.0.0.4
PROD | u7.5.14

O-Methyl-RNA / Chimerics

  Intro & Info

The sequence of Chimerics can contain DNA, RNA, PTO and 2'-O-Methyl-RNA bases.
  • HPLC purified
  • Synthesis scales from 0.05 to 1.0 µmol
  • Sequence length from 6 - 80 bases

First, select your order entry method below. More options are found in the next step, including modifications and delivery format.

Sequence info: ACGT = DNA; (ACGU) = RNA; A*C*(G*U) = PTO; I = 2’-Desoxyinosine; U = 2’-Desoxyuridine;
[2OMeA], [2OMeC], [2OMeG], [2OMeU] = 2'-O-Methyl-RNA
Use the IUB code for wobble bases (equal amount of degenerated bases)

Make use of the bubble icon to add a personal note to an oligo; calculate the complement sequence with the arrow icon.

Enter oligo information and press "Add to Cart".

Entry Formats

Number of Oligos
Please select the number of oligos you want to order and press "Next".
You can always add more or leave lines empty on the next page.