The right answers to frequently asked questions
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What starting material can be accepted?
For a list of accepted starting material, including the relevant amounts, please refer to Table 1 in Product Specifications.
What kind of quality control do you perform?
NGSelect Amplicon Adaptor Ligation:
Prior to sequencing, the quality and quantity of each sample will be determined by established methods (e.g. agarose gel analysis / Qubit® Fluorometer / NanoDrop / Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer). Further quality controls are performed at various steps of the sequencing workflow.
NGSelect Amplicon 2nd PCR:
Beside the evaluation of the gel picture you are sending, the success of the PCR reaction serves as our quality control. After the PCR and at various steps of the sequencing workflow further quality controls are performed.
What should I do if my sample fails the entry QC?
NGSelect Amplicon Adaptor Ligation:
If the amount, concentration or quality of the starting material fails to meet the requirements for further processing, our customer care team will contact you to discuss how to proceed with your project. Whenever possible, Eurofins Genomics will recommend additional measures for optimising sample quality.
NGSelect Amplicon Adaptor Ligation:
Eurofins Genomics performs the 2nd PCR step with optimised PCR conditions and highest success rates. Still the success depends on various factors, including the amount of PCR product with universal adaptors. In case the 2nd PCR does not result in an amplicon and if we rate another trial as promising based on our experience, Eurofins Genomics will repeat the amplicon generation one-time. In case the repetition is not successful, Eurofins Genomics will stop the processing of the relevant samples and reimburse you for the sequencing part that was not performed. In the event that only a weak amplicon can be generated, Eurofins Genomics will include those amplicons in the amplicon pool for sequencing, too. Experience shows that those amplicons will result in very few reads only and interpretation of those reads should be done with special care.
What kind of BioIT do you offer?
Affordable high quality bioinformatics analysis is available for each package (see “Product Specifications” for more.
Can I use the results for diagnostic purposes?
Yes. On request, the service can be performed under diagnostic conditions with ISO17025 certified processes.
Where do I get my results and in which form are they delivered?
For NGSelect Amplicon 2nd PCR the result files (FAST-Q files and analyzed data) can be downloaded from a secure FTP server (password will be provided), for NGSelect Amplicon Adaptor Ligation the results will be delivered via your Ecom account.
How can I choose between the different NGSelect services?
NGSelect is divided into four major categories, depending on starting material, DNA, RNA, amplicons or ready-to-load libraries. Each service offers a wide range of options that help create individualised and affordable NGS projects. Please see table 2 (below) for more information:

Where should I send my samples?
Eurofins Genomics Europe Sequencing GmbH
Jakob-Stadler-Platz 7
78467 Konstanz
For the product NGSelect Amplicon 2nd PCR, can we send samples that consist of several amplicons generated with different primer pairs?
Usually you would send per sample 1 amplicon generated with 1 primer pair.
In some cases you might require however less reads per amplicon as given in the Project Specification. In such cases the individual amplicon samples you send may also consist of several amplicons.
Please note, that in this case however we will not perform the clipping of primer sequences and deliver raw data only.